Who is Kellie Jo Close? How did JoJo Dolls begin? What is a handmade art doll? I’ll tell you everything, but in a bit when it is not 2 am. For now, here’s this:
JoJo Dolls are inspired by artist Judith Scott who wrapped anything and everything with yarn, fabric strips, string, and cord. To me, her art symbolizes mysteries wrapped in the womb. Be sure to check out Judith Scott’s life story. I’m grateful for her inspiration.
And really, Judith Scott is where JoJo Dolls started. I took a 3-D art class and the professor introduced her along with several other artists. I didn’t really know what to make for the assignment, but we had to use wire. So, I twisted some wire and Gwynnie took shape.
I loved bringing Gwendolyn, affectionately Gwynnie, into the world. She’s filled with gemstones, herbs, written intentions, strong magnets, a shredded dollar bill, and several broken pieces of jewelry that I knew I’d never fix to wear myself. Here is Gwendolyn, the voodoo doll that works good love and money magic for me: